chronic kidney disease and stroke
Kidney disease is a slowly and silently progressive disease. In the initial stages, it doesn’t cause any symptoms. Symptoms, if present may include fatigue, low urine output, swelling in hands and legs, and loss of appetite. People with kidney disease also have less number of red blood cells(anemia), low calcium levels, low vitamin D3 levels, weak bones and muscles, and poor quality of life. Untreated kidney disease can lead to renal failure requiring dialysis
Another major serious consequence of chronic kidney disease is brain stroke.
Do You Know?
Brain stroke is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality across the world.
Renal failure is a potential risk factor for stroke.
Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and who are also on dialysis have almost 5 to 30% higher risk of stroke (both hemorrhagic and ischemic subtypes).
Patients with CKD-stage 3–5 have worse survival and diminished functional outcomes following stroke.
What are the risk factors for stroke?
Risk factors include previous history of cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, proteinuria, old age, and dialysis.
Malnutrition, inflammation and atherosclerosis, poor dialysis techniques and dialysis-related factors, uremic toxins, and vascular co-morbidities are the other risk factors for stroke.
How to Prevent Stroke in Kidney Disease Patients?
Better management of blood sugar levels and high blood pressure can lower the risk of developing kidney disease and stroke.
Diabetic patients should start proper management of blood sugar levels to prevent diabetic kidney disease and lower blood pressure if it is high. This will help in slowing down the progression of kidney disease. Managing blood cholesterol levels are also equally important in obese individuals.
Early detection and prevention of kidney disease are important. To ensure this, kidney disease screening is equally important.
Bottom Line
Healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, proper exposure to sunlight and sound sleep, and regular monitoring of blood pressure and blood sugars are the other steps one must take to prevent chronic kidney disease and stroke.
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